Award Honors
Authors of papers selected for podium presentations must submit manuscripts by the deadline in order to be considered for the AAHKS Awards.
AAHKS Clinical Research Award
Established in 2008, the Clinical Research Award is given in recognition of an outstanding clinical paper in the field of hip and knee arthroplasty.
The Clinical Research Award will include:
- $1,000 honorarium to the principal investigator
- Award plaque for the presenter and senior author or mentor
- Award certificates for the co-authors
- Paper presentation at the AAHKS Annual Meeting
- Waiver of meeting registration fee
Eligibility criteria:
- Outstanding clinical paper in the field of hip and knee arthroplasty
The James A. Rand Young Investigator’s Award
In 2003, AAHKS established a young investigator’s award in honor of James A. Rand, MD, founding member and past president of the Association. The purpose of the Award is to recognize a young investigator who demonstrates clinical excellence in knee-related research. The most outstanding paper that embodies Dr. Rand’s commitment to the highest standards of orthopaedic knowledge will be selected for presentation at the Annual Meeting.
The James A. Rand, MD Award will include:
- $1,000 honorarium to the young investigator
- Award plaques for the presenter and senior author or mentor
- Award certificates for the co-authors
- Paper presentation at the AAHKS Annual Meeting
- Waiver of meeting registration fee
Eligibility criteria:
- The young researcher must be the principal investigator/senior author of the research submitted, and less than five years in active practice from the date of application.
- Must be knee-related research
AAHKS Surgical Techniques & Technologies Award
In 2005, AAHKS established the First Annual Award for Advancements in Surgical Techniques and Technologies. The purpose of the Award is to instill continuing interest in surgical innovation and new techniques within reconstructive surgery. The most outstanding paper that embodies commitment to the highest standards of orthopaedic knowledge will be selected for presentation at the Annual Meeting.
The AAHKS Surgical Techniques and Technologies Award will include:
- $1,000 honorarium to the principal investigator
- Award plaque for the presenter and senior author or mentor
- Award certificates for the co-authors
- Paper presentation at the AAHKS Annual Meeting
- Waiver of meeting registration fee
Eligibility criteria:
- Must be related to surgical innovation and new techniques in reconstructive surgery.

AAHKS Best Podium Award
Annual Meeting participants and the AAHKS Program Committee may vote on the best presentations. Once all Program Committee reviews are tabulated and meeting participant grading is considered, the Program Committee chair will make the decision on the Best Podium Award for the annual meeting. The award will be communicated on the subsequent AAHKS newsletter immediately following the meeting. Award considerations include:
- Overall quality of the presentation
- Will this information change your practice?
- Scientific Quality, considering study design (RCT vs. retrospective), appropriate sample size and a clear purpose or hypothesis