Hosting an Industry Symposium

Specifications, guidelines and application. Exhibitor Dashboard

Who Qualifies?

AAHKS members have indicated that the clinical content of Industry Symposia are valuable to them in their practices. We are pleased to offer this unique opportunity to educate attendees on topics that will help them improve patient care and health outcomes. Exhibiting companies (excluding those with table top exhibits) are eligible to host Industry Symposia held the day before and the morning before the start of the AAHKS General Session.

An Industry Symposium is an educational program (CME or non-CME) conducted by the supporting company. Industry Symposia are not part of the scientific sessions or other official educational programs conducted by AAHKS as part of the Annual Meeting. Symposia provide opportunities to showcase your company or organization in an educational setting.

The symposia fee is in the same category as an exhibitor fee – it is not an educational grant. Applications for Industry Symposia and educational program content must be approved by the AAHKS Program Committee to ensure educational quality and consistency with guidelines established by AAHKS. Applications will be reviewed and accepted on a space-availability basis. If approved, AAHKS will provide promotional assistance.

    Symposia Schedule and Fees
    Thursday $25,000 (Price now includes basic A/V Package)
    12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
    2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
    4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

    Friday $30,000 (Price now includes basic A/V Package)
    7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
    9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
    11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

    Times are subject to change.

    Included with Symposia

    • Meeting room rental
    • Standard theatre setup, podium, head table
    • Basic coffee service set up outside symposia rooms
    • On-site signage
    • Registration services
    • Room monitors
    • Badge scanning services
    • NEW! Standard A/V package is now included in the price of the event!
    • Online promotion on the AAHKS meeting website and member registration page
    • Print promotion in the AAHKS member Newsletter, Annual Meeting Preliminary Program, and the Annual Meeting Final Program
    • Pre-registration list (provided approximately 3 weeks prior to the event)
    • Final attendee list

    Symposia Checklist


    All audio visual exceeding the basic package provided, electrical and internet services must be ordered directly by the hosting company through PSAV. You must place your order using the provided order form no later than September 11, 2023.

    Presenter/Speaker Registration

    All Presenters/Speakers must be registered for the Annual Meeting prior to the meeting date.

    Onsite Disclosures

    Your moderator must begin the symposium verbally and include a slide that states, “This event is not sponsored by or affiliated with AAHKS.” All faculty/speakers must state and include a slide listing conflict of interest before they begin their talk.

    Promotional Requirements

    All announcements, invitations and/or solicitations, including envelopes, advertising, websites etc. must receive AAHKS approval prior to distribution or posting. These materials and any syllabus must also show the following disclaimer statement regarding satellite status, “This event is not sponsored by or affiliated with AAHKS.” See Guidelines below for further explanation.


    Full payment of the fee must be received within 30 days of receipt of approval.

    Set Up

    Meeting rooms will be used in sequence with short turnaround time. Cooperation between symposium planners will be required for room use and set up.


    AAHKS must be notified in writing of a cancellation of an approved Industry Symposium. If written notification of the cancellation of an Industry Symposium is received by July 31, a 50% refund will be issued. No refunds will be issued for events cancelled any time after the July 31st deadline.

    AAHKS Guidelines

    These Industry Symposium Guidelines establish the process, policies, rules and regulations governing Industry Symposia. It is important to emphasize the overriding responsibility of all who participate in planning and managing Industry Symposia to protect the integrity and quality of such events. Industry Symposium Guidelines are intended to ensure compliance with the requirements of AAHKS, the AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with Health Care Professionals, ACCME Standards for Support of Continuing Medical Education, and the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs Ethical Opinion on Gifts to Physicians from Industry.

    AAHKS will conduct oversight responsibilities in as fair and equitable manner as possible. To ensure a successful outcome for all involved parties, Industry Symposium Guidelines require that each Industry Symposium be conducted in accordance with all applicable AAHKS, AdvaMed, ACCME and AMA guidelines. These Guidelines require each Supporter, CME provider and their employees, speaker(s) and activity organizers involved in any Industry Symposium to comply with all applicable AAHKS, AdvaMed, ACCME and AMA guidelines.

    Although it is the responsibility of individual physicians to comply with the AMA guidelines, every effort should be made to ensure that attendees are not put in a situation that would be considered a violation of Industry Symposium Guidelines. Supporters of Industry Symposia may not schedule their events to interfere with any AAHKS events from Thursday through Sunday. Events must be contained within the room assigned.

    All Industry Symposia are planned independently of AAHKS activities. Organizers are solely responsible for making all of the appropriate financial arrangements for their activity. Organizers and their agents may not imply or represent to the attendees or any third parties (e.g. hotel staff, convention center personnel, etc.) that the activities they are planning are associated with AAHKS or the Annual Meeting. All costs associated, including but not limited to audio visual costs and any food and beverage costs beyond what is provided to meeting attendees, are the responsibility of the supporting company. Setup outside of the meeting room is limited to no more than one table. Note that alternative sites other than those offered by AAHKS may be contracted. When alternative sites are selected, scheduling of these events must still follow Industry Symposium Guidelines and must be held within the assigned times. Changes made to the information after it is submitted may compromise approval. Once the completed application is submitted, the AAHKS Program Committee will review the proposal. The requesting party will be contacted in writing regarding the outcome of the proposal.

    Selection and Approval

    Industry Symposium proposals must be submitted with a two or three sentence, general description. Proposals missing a description will not receive program approval and will not be given a time slot. More details and edits that don’t change the composition of the symposium can be added prior to the event. 

    The Program Committee will select Industry Symposia based on the best fit with the goals of the meeting and needs of attendees. Once approved, all revisions to the event’s content, faculty, format must be sent to AAHKS in writing. In the event that final approval is not granted, AAHKS will not be responsible for canceling any arrangements that may have been made in connection with the event. In addition, AAHKS will not be responsible for any costs incurred for the event.

    Going forward with a non-approved event will result in a minimum of a one year suspension from hosting any Industry Symposium. Industry Symposium Educational Programs (CME or non-CME) presenting content that is commercially biased, imbalanced or scientifically unsound, fails to make appropriate disclosures, maintain appropriate independence from the promotional goals and activities of commercial supporter(s), or other infractions of similar nature will result in the following consequences: Following notification of violation from AAHKS, the educational provider must send letters to the organizer, supporter(s) and speaker(s) of the activity, outlining the infractions and penalties and emphasizing the importance of presenting unbiased, balanced and scientifically sound content, with required disclosures and the appropriate independence from the promotional goals/activities of commercial supporter(s).


    AAHKS does not provide AMA PRA Category 1 credit™ for Industry Symposia. Those wishing to offer credit for Symposia must obtain credit from an accredited CME provider. Any CME activities must be planned in accordance with ACCME Essentials and Standards. AAHKS requires that all company-supported CME Symposia be in compliance with the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support of Continuing Medical Education. Providers of these activities are expected to meet the requirements established by the ACCME. Once the Industry Symposium has been approved, the CME provider and the commercial supporter(s) may not change. If the CME provider or the commercial supporter changes from what was approved on the application, approval of the event may be withdrawn and relevant fees forfeited by the applicant.

    Promotional Content

    All announcements, invitations and/or solicitations, including envelopes, advertising, websites, etc. must receive AAHKS approval prior to distribution or posting. A sample of promotional materials must be sent to AAHKS by August 1 for approval. These materials and any syllabus or other materials must show the following disclaimer statement regarding satellite status on the cover / front page: “This symposium is not part of the official program as planned by the AAHKS Annual Meeting Program Committee.”

    AAHKS has no responsibility to cover any costs associated with these materials. Be certain to factor this requirement into your timeline for preparing copy, reviewing proofs and printing materials. Also, to avoid potential delays or misunderstandings, be certain that all employees of the CME provider, exhibitor, commercial supporter, activity organizer and all agents are made aware of these policies. Implied AAHKS Endorsement and use of the AAHKS Name and Logo are Prohibited There can be no implication in any of the promotional materials, the on-site materials or the follow-up materials that the symposia are connected with the AAHKS Annual Meeting, presented in cooperation with AAHKS, or endorsed by AAHKS. In describing these events, you may not use phrases such as “presented during” or “presented in conjunction with” the AAHKS Annual Meeting. Neither the Annual Meeting name nor AAHKS’ name or logo may be used without AAHKS approval.

    Enforcement of Guidelines

    Physician and staff monitors representing AAHKS may attend the Symposia to audit compliance with Industry Symposium Guidelines. AAHKS reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to restrict and/or dismiss at any time any event which it deems to be unethical, unprofessional, inappropriate, undesirable, displaying poor taste, offensive to attendees or in violation of Industry Symposium Guidelines. Any event found in violation of Industry Symposium Guidelines will result in penalties to be determined by AAHKS. Infractions will result in a one-year suspension with ineligibility to participate in the next year’s Annual Meeting and/or losing the privilege to participate in future Industry Symposia held prior to the AAHKS Annual Meetings.

    If a commercial supporter, activity organizer, CME provider or speaker is involved in one or more events where infractions such as those described above are cited and a trend is apparent, or if a single infraction is particularly severe or offensive, AAHKS reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to restrict the commercial supporter(s), the activity organizer(s), CME provider(s) or the speaker(s) from participating in future events.

    Upon completion of the post-event process, AAHKS will issue a written notice outlining all infractions and consequent penalties to the supporter / exhibitor, which is the entity ultimately held responsible for the event. Note that warnings and penalties from prior years may be taken into account. AAHKS reserves the right to terminate an event, at its discretion. In the event of termination, AAHKS will not be liable for any refunds, rentals or other meeting expenses.

    Your thoughtful attention to these Guidelines is appreciated. We realize your decision to conduct an Industry Symposium represents an investment of time and money and is a benefit to AAHKS Annual Meeting attendees.

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