Symposium Guidelines

Review submission requirements and important dates.

The 2025 Symposium submission period opens on Monday, March 3.


The AAHKS Program Committee is looking for cutting-edge, controversial or innovative topics to be presented as Symposia sessions at the AAHKS Annual Meeting. Symposia are interactive presentations during the AAHKS General Session, where multiple faculty present their approaches to a common issue or question. Symposia should include a moderator and three to four speakers (moderator may be one of the four speakers); faculty should be experts in the topic they are presenting. Symposia should be well balanced and may include a blend of differing styles and techniques, including videos, case presentations and discussions.

  • All speakers must have published research and/or proven clinical expertise in the topic on which they are presenting.
  • No submitter may submit more than three (3) Symposium submissions.
  • Please select an area of focus for the Symposia: Primary THA, Primary TKA, Revision THA, Revision TKA, Infection, Complications/Other, Large/Administrative Databases or Health Policy



A symposium should comfortably fit into 60 minutes, with approximately 40 minutes for faculty presentations and 20 minutes for audience Q&A and discussion.

  • Introduction – Moderator
  • Faculty Presentations x 3 or 4
  • Discussion – Moderator and Faculty


Moderator and Faculty Responsibilities

  • The moderator MUST inform the faculty that they are included in the symposium submission and confirm this on the submission page.
  • The moderator is responsible for coordinating with the faculty and AAHKS staff in preparation to the symposium presentation if invited to present in the Annual Meeting program.
  • Faculty should prepare presentations in advance, so that the moderator can prepare a coherent summary. Faculty are encouraged to speak from notes, as reading detracts from the spirit of the symposium.


Selection and Grading Process

The final selection is made by the AAHKS Program Committee, whose primary consideration is to determine what will best serve the interests of AAHKS members and contribute to the overall success of the Annual Meeting. Selection of symposia is based on the overall quality and thoroughness of the proposal submission. The committee may suggest speaker substitutions or decide to combine two proposals into one. Suggestions arising from discussions of the Program Committee will be passed on directly to the moderator. Proposals that are not accommodated may be re-submitted the following year and will receive the same consideration as all other proposals.

All symposia proposals will be reviewed in a blinded fashion. Each proposal will be evaluated and graded by Program Committee members on a 25-point scale. Each score will be tallied, and scores will be averaged. The proposals with the highest scores will be selected for the program.

  • Strongly considered for symposium (20 – 25 points)
  • Consideration given, but some flaws (15 – 19 points)
  • Consideration given, but needs revisions if accepted (10 – 14 points)
  • Not acceptable (0 – 9 points)

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Authors, co-authors, presenters, and other contributors to the educational content must submit their disclosure information on AAHKS disclosure site.  The disclosures of financial relationships with commercial interests must be completed by August 1, 2025 and include the 24-month period prior to the Annual Meeting. Submissions where authors fail to disclose will be withdrawn from the program.

FDA Status

If a device or drug requiring FDA approval is included in the educational content, the content must include the FDA clearance status of the medical devices and pharmaceuticals for the uses discussed or described. “Off label” uses of a device or pharmaceutical may be described so long as the lack of FDA clearance for such uses is also disclosed. Posters exhibiting a Class III device or pharmaceutical require signage indicating the FDA status of the product.

HIPAA Compliance

Ensure that educational content complies with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) to protect patient rights and confidentiality.

2025 Submission Period:

Symposia: March 3 – May 1
Abstracts: March 3 – June 2

See the submissions calendar for a full list of deadlines.


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